Well I am an Artist, my heart was born like this, and I cannot change it, I love painting and making things since, like I said before, I do not remember when I started painting because I really believe that all children had the ability to paint or create something, is just some people grow older and forgot how to create, they are too busy making other things.
Like I said I Love painting and drawing, but I also enjoy making things and exploring new ideas and crafts, on the image below it can be seen one of my creations, not that is perfect in any way, not that I am an expert in these kind of things, because I am always exploring and experimenting with everything.
I Love the old Masters painters and the golden Era, but I embrace technology and I am going forwards to create a better future for everyone.
I thank God that I was born in the 1960's, because I got to see all the new technologies come alive, and that is exciting, from my mother not having a washing machine in the house, to come and see Ipads, I love my Macbook, my Ipad my Iphone, a big YES for technology.
Thank you to the people who made these technologies possible.

On the image above you can see a small cardboard caravan, with small pieces of furniture made from paper, cardboard, felt, material and foamy, even the wheels are made with cardboard and paper.
All made by me (Paloma), I took the inspiration from a picture that I saw in the Internet, I did not follow any tutorial, any resemblance to another creation is just a resemblance, I did not copy it from any one.

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